Items of the Day...

A custom 12" pad, these will be available soon along with 14" & 16" 

 Pick your own wingless liners 12 pack petite length

You can layer a wingless liner under your winged liner for double protection 

Custom 3 pack wingless coordinating liners

winged average liner with new fabrics

winged average liner with new fabrics


  1. Ahoy! For some reason the etsy "send e-mail" link didn't want to cooperate: how can I pick your brain about thin pantyliners? I honestly don't care about color/print/pattern and frankly, I'm itching to use my grandmother's ancient hand-cranked sewing machine... (but living 3 hrs from the nearest town with a fabric store makes getting a variety of fabrics a challenge unless I want to cut my wardrobe into patches!) I'd even be thrilled with the cut-but-not-sewn stuff (though I suppose snaps would then be an issue). Anyway, I'm a HUGE fan of cloth liners but since moving to the boonies requires hand-cranked washing and I procrastinate, I'd like to have enough cloth liners to last a while. Sorry to ramble in a comment, but I'm super excited to find your site and blog!

  2. Hello,
    You may contact me with standard email or etsy (when working)


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